Wednesday, June 13, 2012

NFFN Annual Awards

The Sister Pat Kelley Achievement Award is the National Fuel Funds Network’s highest honor. The award recognizes exemplary personal achievement in furthering the organization’s goals of increasing public awareness of low-income energy problems, advancing energy assistance policy and promoting charitable energy assistance. 
This year the NFFN honors the contributions of David Carroll who has dedicated his career to research on low-income energy issues and has made substantial contributions to furthering the NFFN’s objectives. For more than 25 years, Mr. Carroll’s research and analysis low-income energy assistance and energy efficiency programs have advanced low income energy policy and improved the efficiency of low income energy programs across the nation.
NFFN Chairman Tom Stovall presents the award to David Carroll.
The Victorine Q. Adams Award highlights institutional innovations and achievement among nonprofit NFFN members. This year the award goes to the Energy Services, Inc.’s Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund for its creative fund raising projects.

In 2010, the KWW/CF unveiled a corn maze in the suburbs of Madison and it attracted 1,300 visitors. Last year more than 2,600 people visited the corn maze raising more than $70,000 for energy assistance.   Additionally, the Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund has started a fund raising promotion with Schoep’s Ice Cream where the company will produce and sell special flavors with the KWW/CF logo and will donate a portion of the sales to the fund.
NFFN Chairman Tom Stovall presents the award to Tim Bruer.
The NFFN Corporate Excellence Award recognizes outstanding achievement by a company on behalf of its low income customers. This year the award goes to TXU Energy for its TXU Energy Aidsm program which, since 1983, has provided over $72 million in temporary bill-payment assistance and aided 415,000 families across Texas when they needed it most.
The commitment to help those in need runs throughout TXU Energy where over the last 8 years employees alone donated $1.8 million to the program. Last year 1,409 employees donated $336,656 to TXU Energy Aidsm, the largest employee campaign to date.

Kim Campbell of TXU Energy accepted the award from NFFN Chairman Tom Stovall.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Another amazing luncheon speaker. Ron Anderson used the story of his life to illustrate the importance of service to others. Anderson, who grew up in difficult circumstances, explained that at one point in his childhood he lived without utility services and without a coat to keep warm. He told the rapt audience that he was given a coat by a neighbor who saw him walking to school in mid-winter in his shirtsleeves.

Anderson said that act of service by his neighbor saved him and the acts of service by those in the audience save the people they help. He pointed out that service is based on caring and described service as "perpetual and generational." Anderson explained that helping one person effects the lives of others. He said helping one person in need also helps the other members of their household and in turn helps the generations that follow.

"Service not only changes those you help, it helps you," Anderson said.

Protecting At-Risk Consumers

The morning plenary session focused on how public utility commissions go about protecting at-risk customers.  Speakers included California Public Utilities Commission member Catherine Sandoval, New Orleans City Council member Cynthia Hedge-Morrell and District of Columbia People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous-Frye.
Excellent session. All panel members stressed the need for effective outreach to low income consumers about programs designed to help them and making sure consumers are aware of how to participate in the rate making process.

Mardi Gras Reception

Masks and beads were the rule as NEUAC conferees closed out the first day of the conference with a New Orleans style reception. The Lagniappe Brass Band supplied the music and a good time was had by all. The reception featured a special raffle for new members of the NFFN. A perfect way to end a busy day.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Inspirational Speaker Brings Luncheon Audience To Their Feet

Motivational speaker Calvin Mackie drew a standing ovation from the luncheon audience as he described the obstacles he has overcome in his life and urged conference attendees to never give up hope as they work to help their clients.

Mackie, a New Orleans native, explained how hard work, determination and hope allowed him to overcome an impoverished background and low SAT scores to become a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society and earn a PhD in mechanical engineering.

In acknowledging the problems that tight budgets cause for many social service programs, Mackie urged the audience to learn to do more with less. He reminded the audience of the people who depend on their programs. "As long as you have hope you can make a difference," Mackie said.

Entergy Executive Says Millions Face "Acute Energy Crisis"

Entergy Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer Rod West said today that many Americans are facing an "acute energy crisis" and urged attendees at the National Energy and Utility Affordability Conference to raise their voices in defense of the most vulnerable members of our society.

West said proposed cuts in funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program for the next fiscal year were "penny wise and pound foolish" and "bad policy." He pointed out that 46 million people now live below the poverty level in the United States and called poverty "the uncomfortable question" in our society.

Speaking to an audience composed in part of people involved in providing energy assistance to those in need, West said "there is no greater mission than what you do. You're the ones on the front line"

Noting that this is an election year, he urged the audience to "seize the opportunity" and speak up for the "voiceless and vulnerable." "Your voice is critical to make sure those with the least" are not forgotten, he said.

NEUAC Opens With Conferees from 50 States and 3 countries

The National Energy and Utility Affordability Conference opened this morning with conferees from all 50 states and the District of Columbia in attendence for the first time. The conference also attracted participants from British Columbia, the Northern Mariana Islands and Ghana.

The opening session featured welcoming addresses from Entergy Corporation executive vice president and chief administrative officer Rod West, New Orleans Deputy Mayor Cedrick Grant, New Orleans blogger Steve Smith, NLIEC Chairperson Cindy Datig and NFFN Chairman Tom Stovall.

More than 600 people are attending the three day conference.